Tradicionāls skuveklis.
Rokturis ir izgatavots no alumīnija
Kvaliteetne habemeajamispintsel
Habemeajamispintsel on valmistatud käsitsi järgides vanu valmistamistehnikaid.
Vaigust käepide loomasarve imitatsiooniga.
Aitab moodustada pehmet vahtu habemeajamiseks. Sünteetiline harjas.
66,08 €
Tradicionāls skuveklis.
Rokturis izgatavots no koka.
122,00 €
Tradicionāls skuveklis.
Rokturis ir izgatavots no augstas kvalitātes polimēra .
76,25 €
Professional cordless trimmer. Powerful ultra close 0.4 mm cutting.
Star blade:
Professional, high-grade steel contour blade set. Ultra close 0.4 mm cutting. Perfect contours thanks to high-precision grinding technology “Made in Germany”.
Quick change:
Easy removable blade set allows easy cleaning and quick change to optional available Carving and Designer blade sets. For fine lines and creative styling.
120 minutes quick charge. Up to 100 minutes battery operating time.
LED charge indicator.
Super light and quiet. Wrist-friendly weight of only 130 g. DC motor with noise-reduction.
- 1 variable attachment comb 3 – 6 mm
- charging stand
- cleaning brush, oil
Technical data:
- Charging time: 120 min
- Battery operating time: 100 min
- DC motor with noise-reduction, approx. 5350 rmp
- 100–240 V, 50–60 Hz
- Dimensions: 142 x 32 x 32 mm
- Weight: 130 g
TIP: ChroMini Pro loads only the new, compact charging stand and is not compatible with ChroMini.