KAESO Mandarin Spritz Foot Hygiene Spray 195ml
Sejas maska ar kalogēnu un cietsēkles ekstraktu.
Nav nekāds noslēpums, ka japāņi ir nācija, kas stingri ievēro veselīga dzīvesveida noteikumus, kā arī pievērš īpašu uzmanību dabīgiem un tradicionāliem pārtikas produktiem un kosmētikai. Daudzi mēģina atklāt japāņu sieviešu skaistuma noslēpumus un saprast, kā viņām izdodas saglabāt savu jaunību. ,
Kalogēns ir olbaltumviela saistaudu sastāvā. Pateicoties tam notiek patstāvīga ādas šūnu atjaunošanās, āda kļūst gludāka un tvirtāka. Kalogēns satur tādus komponentus kā hidrolizēts kalogēns un elastīns, kuri palīdz saglabāt ādas jaunību. Cietsēkle ( lat. lithospermum ) - augu ekstrakts, kam piemīt antiseptiska un relaksējoša iedarbība.
2,24 €
The unique formula of SOLO wax was formulated for home depilation and guarantees professional results if used according to the directions on the box.
SOLO wax removes the hair with the root and is effective even for short hairs (from 3 mm).
The skin remains smooth for up to 4 weeks.
Perfect for short and coarse hairs.
The unique formula of SOLO film wax allows to heat it very quickly in a microwave. Thanks to special elasticity, the wax is perfect for depilation of face, bikini and armpits.
The box contains: wax in 250 ml Jar
Two spatulas for wax application
Instruction leaflet
8,64 €
Orchid Emulsion with Decelerine R Complex slows down hair growth while in the active stage. Over time hair becomes thinner and weaker reducing the need for shaving and waxing. Also contains Allantoin, fruit acids, Aloe Vera and glycerin to reduce the appearance of razor bumps and redness due to shaving and waxing while providing instant cooling and soothing to the skin.
7,02 €
Citrus lotion with lime oil
A delicate lotion for skin care.
Application: massage a small amount of product to clean and dry skin.