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Italwax TopFormula Emerald, Vasks kartridžos 100 ml

Vienība: tk
Piegādes laiks: 3-5
Cena: 2,44 €
1,60 €
Daudzums: - +
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Sintētiskais vasks.

Premium vaska kārtridžs nodrošina maksimālu komfortu depilācijas laikā. Paredzēts lielu ķermeņa daļu ārstēšanai.

Premium vaskam ir sintētisks sastāvs, kas novērš alerģiskas reakcijas uz jutīgas ādas. Novatoriskā vaska formula ļauj noķert ļoti īsus matiņus līdz 1 mm garumā un, pareizi lietojot, noņemt pat ļoti rupjus skūšanās matiņus.



Sildītājā ievietot vaska kārtridžu, uzsildīt līdz 40oC, uzklāt vasku uz ādas matiņu augšanas virzienā. Uzlikt depilācijas sloksni uz zonas, kur uzklāts vasks, un piespiest, ar asu kustību, pretēji matu augšanas virzienam, noraut sloksni. Lai noņemtu vaska atlikumus no ādas, izmantot pēcdepilācijas losjonu.

Līdzīgās preces
Produkta kods : 166196 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
7,02 € (42%)
12,10 €



Produkta kods : 164086 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
1,95 €

Medium density paste. Created for work in warm premises, used for depilation of high temperature and high wetness skin areas.

Sugar Paste is a new, absolutely hypoallergenic product created in accordance with the traditional recipe “nothing extra”: only edible sugars and corn starch. It does not contain citric acid – main ingredient causing the allergic reaction. The paste has a unique consistency, very plastic and soft but at the same time does not melt or spread which provides for convenient working process.

Produkta kods : 165014 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3 päeva
11,79 €
Italwax granules "Selfie", 100 g

Innovative “Selfie” wax formulation was created specifically to remove unwanted hair on the sensitive face skin.
Wax “Selfie” is formulated resin-free and is created to remove hair on the sensitive skin of the face.
Natural oils complex in wax composition cushions wax effect on face,
creates maximum protection and extra comfort during the procedure.
Wax does not burn and does not injure delicate skin, it does not leave redness even on thin and sensitive skin.
The working temperature of the wax is + 38 °C.
Produkta kods : 172104 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3
2,44 € (17%)
2,95 €

Quickly and easily removes wax residue from the skin, soothes the skin after hair removal, leaving a feeling of freshness and smoothness. Menthol reduces painful reactions, reduces inflammation by lowering the local temperature.

Produkta kods : 166271 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
13,12 €