Italwax Miraveda Scrub Sea, 500 ml
Formulated with marine salt.
“Sea” is a powerful scrub perfect for pedicure. Marine salt abrasive particles are large enough to exfoliate areas with thickened skin, like heels or feet soles, fighting calluses. Sea salt also has natural antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, making salt scrubs a good choice for feet.
The natural oils complex nourishes and soothens the skin, conditioning it and giving it healthy glow.
ItalWax Flex - unikāls maisījums dabas un sintētisko vasku.
Ideāls vaksācija lielu ķermeņa zonām, piemēram, rokām un kājām.
Kušanas temperatūra 37-40 ° C
2,54 €
Sejas maska ar kalogēnu un cietsēkles ekstraktu.
Nav nekāds noslēpums, ka japāņi ir nācija, kas stingri ievēro veselīga dzīvesveida noteikumus, kā arī pievērš īpašu uzmanību dabīgiem un tradicionāliem pārtikas produktiem un kosmētikai. Daudzi mēģina atklāt japāņu sieviešu skaistuma noslēpumus un saprast, kā viņām izdodas saglabāt savu jaunību. ,
Kalogēns ir olbaltumviela saistaudu sastāvā. Pateicoties tam notiek patstāvīga ādas šūnu atjaunošanās, āda kļūst gludāka un tvirtāka. Kalogēns satur tādus komponentus kā hidrolizēts kalogēns un elastīns, kuri palīdz saglabāt ādas jaunību. Cietsēkle ( lat. lithospermum ) - augu ekstrakts, kam piemīt antiseptiska un relaksējoša iedarbība.
2,24 €
Device for Wax Heating, 800ml
Temperature can be changed from 45C to 105C degrees.
50/60Hz, 150W
Soft consistency paste. Created for work in cool, well air-conditioned premises, used for large areas (legs, arms), convenient for work in gloves or for bandage method.
Sugar Paste is a new, absolutely hypoallergenic product created in accordance with the traditional recipe “nothing extra”: only edible sugars and corn starch. It does not contain citric acid – main ingredient causing the allergic reaction. The paste has a unique consistency, very plastic and soft but at the same time does not melt or spread which provides for convenient working process.
A gentle natural oil, formulated with natural vegetal components. It is used to prepare the skin for the Italwax Full Body Wax depilation procedure. It helps to apply wax easier.
The oil is recommended for users with very sensitive skin.
It can be used to finish the depilating procedure with Full Body Wax.
13,12 €