ItalWax after wax emulsion hair growth retardant 500ml
Light moisturizing emulsion softens and pleasantly cools the skin after waxing procedure. "Decelerine R" complex contained in emulsion's composition, contribute to slow down hair growth. "decelerine R" affects directly to matrix cells inside the hair follicle, slowing down the growth of hair in the active stage. Hairs become weaker and thinner. natural oils complex nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
Suitable for any depilation area.
Method of application : apply with light massage movements to the skin immediately after depilation procedure. Remove the excess with a soft cloth.
Storage conditions: store in a cool , dry place and away from direct light.
9,76 €
Sejas maska ar zelta un bišu indes ekstraktiem
Nav nekāds noslēpums, ka japāņi ir nācija, kas stingri ievēro veselīga dzīvesveida noteikumus, kā arī pievērš īpašu uzmanību dabīgiem un tradicionāliem pārtikas produktiem un kosmētikai. Daudzi mēģina atklāt japāņu sieviešu skaistuma noslēpumus un saprast, kā viņām izdodas saglabāt savu jaunību.
Zelts pozitīvi ietekmē kolagēna un elastīna veidošanos, padara ādu mirdzošu. Bišu inde jau izsenis tiek lietota kā ārstniecības līdzeklis, tā stimulē kolagēna un elastīna veidošanos, mitrina ādu padara to tvirtāku.
2,85 €
Solo Depilatory strips are an ideal method of removing unwanted hair.
A unique formula with high concentration of moisturizing extracts guarantees you perfectly smooth skin for up to 4 weeks.
Ideal for short and coarse hair.
12 strips + 2 cleansing and moisturizing wipes
ALOE VERA FOR NORMAL AND DRY SKIN: Aloe Vera extract has moisturizing effect on the skin, makes it smooth and beautiful.
2,44 €
ItalWax NIRVANA limited edition Spa pre wax oil with sensual aroma, 250 ml
13,12 €
Quality wooden spatulas for wax depilation.
Size: 200x24x1,6 mm