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Vaska kārtridžs ItalWax Flex Raspberry 100ml

Vienība: tk
Piegādes laiks: 3-5
Cena: 2,54 €
1,60 €
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ItalWax Flex - unikāls maisījums dabas un sintētisko vasku.

Ideāls vaksācija lielu ķermeņa zonām, piemēram, rokām un kājām.

Kušanas temperatūra 37-40 ° C
Līdzīgās preces

Sejas maska ar zelta un bišu indes ekstraktiem

Nav nekāds noslēpums, ka japāņi ir nācija, kas stingri ievēro veselīga dzīvesveida noteikumus, kā arī pievērš īpašu uzmanību dabīgiem un tradicionāliem pārtikas produktiem un kosmētikai. Daudzi mēģina atklāt japāņu sieviešu skaistuma noslēpumus un saprast, kā viņām izdodas saglabāt savu jaunību. 

Zelts pozitīvi ietekmē kolagēna un elastīna veidošanos, padara ādu mirdzošu. Bišu inde jau izsenis tiek lietota kā ārstniecības līdzeklis, tā stimulē kolagēna un elastīna veidošanos, mitrina ādu padara to tvirtāku.

Produkta kods : 0007 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
2,28 € (20%)
2,85 €

ItalWax Pink Pearl granules for depilation, 750 g, synthetic 

For sensitive skin

Produkta kods : 172005 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3
9,05 € (25%)
12,10 €


The unique formula of SOLO wax was formulated for home depilation and guarantees professional results if used according to the directions on the box.
SOLO wax removes the hair with the root and is effective even for short hairs (from 3 mm).
The skin remains smooth for up to 4 weeks.
Perfect for short and coarse hairs.
The unique formula of SOLO film wax allows to heat it very quickly in a microwave. Thanks to special elasticity, the wax is perfect for depilation of face, bikini and armpits.

The box contains: wax in 250 ml Jar
Two spatulas for wax application
Instruction leaflet

Produkta kods : 178137 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3
6,91 € (20%)
8,64 €

Heater for cartridge is designed only for professional use.

The time needed to heat cartridges to optimum temperature is 20min. Heater maintains optimum temperature of the wax in cartridge during the depilation procedure.

Box contains: 2 heaters, 1 support, 1 wire

Plug in the appliance, heat the wax for approx. 20 minutes.

Then make sure that the wax is not too hot and apply no more than 20x10 cm to the skin.

Press the paper against the wax applied to the skin, wait a while and quickly pull the paper off against the hair growth. After depilation, be sure to use a post-depilation oil that moisturizes, soothes the skin and removes wax residue.

Produkta kods : 164598 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3
33,45 € (8%)
36,50 €

Soft consistency paste. Created for work in cool, well air-conditioned premises, used for large areas (legs, arms), convenient for work in gloves or for bandage method.

Sugar Paste is a new, absolutely hypoallergenic product created in accordance with the traditional recipe “nothing extra”: only edible sugars and corn starch. It does not contain citric acid – main ingredient causing the allergic reaction. The paste has a unique consistency, very plastic and soft but at the same time does not melt or spread which provides for convenient working process.

Produkta kods : 165007 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3 päeva
11,79 €