Vaska kārtridžs ItalWax Flex Algae, 100ml
ItalWax Flex - unikāls maisījums dabas un sintētisko vasku.
Ideāls vaksācija lielu ķermeņa zonām, piemēram, rokām un kājām.
Kušanas temperatūra 37-40 ° C
Uzsildiet kārtridžu sildītāju par vasku.
Noņemiet aizsargājošo sloksni no kasetnes un pārliecinieties, ka vasks nav pārāk karsts. Tad uzklāj uz ādas pietiekošā daudzumā vaska, izmantojot veltņu tip.
Piesakies sloksnes, saplacināt to vērtēt, tajā pašā laikā atstāj 1 cm brīvu ērtu rokturi sloksnes pirkstiem.
Ar vienu roku izstiept ādu ar otru roku noņemiet sloksnes asu kustību pret matiņu augšanas virzienam, vienlaikus novēršot, cik vien iespējams saglabāt lentes paralēli ādai.
ideāls vaksācijai lielām ķermeņa daļām, piemēram rokām un kājām.
2,54 €
The unique formula of SOLO wax was formulated for home depilation and guarantees professional results if used according to the directions on the box.
SOLO wax removes the hair with the root and is effective even for short hairs (from 3 mm).
The skin remains smooth for up to 4 weeks.
Perfect for short and coarse hairs.
The unique formula of SOLO film wax allows to heat it very quickly in a microwave. Thanks to special elasticity, the wax is perfect for depilation of face, bikini and armpits.
The box contains: wax in 250 ml Jar
Two spatulas for wax application
Instruction leaflet
8,64 €
OUD FLEX - special type of wax, created for depilating thick and strong hairs. It has sensual Arabic aroma.
Removes even very coarse, short and dark hairs.
Aromatic composition, based on the Oud tree resin essence, exercises strong relaxing effect, relieves the stress.
OUD wax is used for hair removal during the SPA and aroma therapy.
2,54 €
ItalWax wax in granules, Orchid, 750 g
Hypoallergenic wax for sensitive skin.
12,10 €
Italwax Glowax Kit represents an innovative concept for facial hair removal, suitable for both home and professional use.
The complete system for hygienic hair removal treatments:
- Disposable capsules for a 100% hygienic waxing procedure.
- Compact and convenient wax heater designed for small area hair removal procedures.
- Ideal for beauticians who perform mobile waxing services to customer’s home (easy transportation and storage)
40,57 €