Depilācijas eļļa ItalWax LEMON, 500ml
After wax oil , lemon, 500 ml
It has a tonic and antiseptic properties. Protects, moisturizes and soothes the skin, has a refreshing effect. It has a pleasant citrus scent. Lemon extract contains citric, malic and ascorbic acid. Rich with vitamins
A, B, P, C and essential oils.
ItalWax Flex - unikāls maisījums dabas un sintētisko vasku.
Ideāls vaksācija lielu ķermeņa zonām, piemēram, rokām un kājām.
Kušanas temperatūra 37-40 ° C
2,54 €
Sejas maska ar gliemežu ekstraktu un EGF
Gliemežu ekstrakts satur dabīgos komponentus, kuri uzlabo ādas stāvokli atjaunojot ādu. EGF - epidermas augšanas faktors, kurš palīdz bojātu šūnu atjaunošanā un veidošanā.
2,24 €
The SPA line “Nirvana” is formulated in two different versions with sensual Lavender aroma and Sandalwood.
The exquisite perfume slowly fills the beauty parlour, bringing positive emotions and helping to relax.
45,75 €
High density paste. Created for work in hot seasons, in poorly air-conditioned premises, used for depilation of high temperature areas.
Sugar Paste is a new, absolutely hypoallergenic product created in accordance with the traditional recipe “nothing extra”: only edible sugars and corn starch. It does not contain citric acid – main ingredient causing the allergic reaction. The paste has a unique consistency, very plastic and soft but at the same time does not melt or spread which provides for convenient working process.
Medium density paste. Created for work in warm premises, used for depilation of high temperature and high wetness skin areas.
Sugar Paste is a new, absolutely hypoallergenic product created in accordance with the traditional recipe “nothing extra”: only edible sugars and corn starch. It does not contain citric acid – main ingredient causing the allergic reaction. The paste has a unique consistency, very plastic and soft but at the same time does not melt or spread which provides for convenient working process.